Son y Casino

A blog for reflecting on son music and the dance of casino.

About the Author

daybert and lina_Cuba


Daybert Linares is a Cuban-born casino social dancer, instructor, and researcher who specializes in the intersections between music and dance. He is best known for his Cuban dance and music blog, Son y Casino, and his musicality-oriented dancing. To most people, however, he is known as “Mr. Linares,” a Spanish-language teacher at a Washington, D.C. high school, where no one remotely suspects about this other, much cooler side of him. Over the years, Daybert has taught workshops in many U.S. states, including Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Massachusetts, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, and the Washington, DC metropolitan area, where he currently resides.

Contanct Daybert at:





Photo courtesy of Idyll Photography.


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6 thoughts on “About the Author

  1. Absolutely love this blog 🙂 thank you Daybert for spreading joy, wisdom and knowledge! Keep up the amazing work. From one dancer-writer to another. Respect! Agua!

    1. Hi! I’ll probably be in Atlanta next year for either BAILAtlanta or the Atlanta Salsa Festival. I might travel to Savannah, too, to conduct workshops there with Salsa Savannah.

  2. Muchas gracias. He llegado a tu blog, leyendo tu escrito del que porqué salsa es un baile Americano y no “Latino” como comercialmente se vende en algunos partes del mundo. La verdad me creo algo de tristeza, soy cubana y adoro bailar salsa o más bien casino, que como tú refieres es lo que realmente se baila en Cuba. Pero he sentido mucha satisfacción al leer tus argumentos y ver con cuánta seriedad reflejas y expones las diferencias y carácterísticas de estos estilos, que si bien tendrán denominadores comunes no deján de distinguirse sus particularidades. Muchas gracias por tus observaciones y he aprendido mucho de ello. Un saludo desde Austria

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